岩土工程软件GeoStudio 2018 R2 9.1破解版安装包
GeoStudio 2018 R2
价      格:¥ 50.00
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IIRJ0931 98640033770 百度网盘 1G
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岩土工程软件GeoStudio 2018 R2 9.1破解版安装包

GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio是一种用于工程地质任务和土壤结构建模的软件解决方案。 该套装包括8种产品:SLOPE / W – 斜坡稳定性分析; QUAKE / W-地震动态分析; AIR / W – 气流分析; SEEP / W – 地下水渗漏分析; TEMP / W – 地热分析; VADOSE / W – 曝气区分析和土壤覆盖分析; SIGMA / W-应力 – 应变状态分析; CTRAN / W – 运输污染分析。

GeoStudio是一个用于岩土工程和地质环境建模的产品套件,足以满足您的所有建模需求。 该套件包括8种产品:SLOPE / W,用于斜坡稳定性; SEEP / W用于地下水渗漏; SIGMA / W用于应力变形; QUAKE / W用于动态地震; TEMP / W用于地热; CTRAN / W用于污染物运输; AIR / W用于空气流动; Vadose / W用于渗流区和覆盖物。


GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2018 R2新功能特点


  • 用户定义的强化——SLOPE / W中新的用户定义增强材料为各种结构建模提供了灵活的选择,包括具有板容量的锚或钉,端锚加固和具有空间可变剪切阻力的桩加固。
  • 分析树克隆——扩展了分析克隆功能,以便可以克隆分析树的整个分支。克隆分支时,将保留分支内分析之间的链接。
  • 尺寸草图工具——新的尺寸工具已添加为草图工具的一部分,包括对齐,线性和角度尺寸工具。尺寸可以锁定到几何对象(如点或线),并在对域进行更改时自动调整大小。
  • 额外的SLOPE / W图形选项——SLOPE / W中添加了许多新图表,用于概率分析或滑动面优化。可以针对运行编号绘制平均安全系数(FOS),最小FOS,标准偏差和失效概率,以确保足够的蒙特卡罗样本量。
  • 草图工具对话框——草图对象的新对话框允许选择和修改草图对象。在绘制时或通过选择先前绘制的对象,可以在新草图对象对话框中修改草图属性,例如线条粗细,长度,角度,颜色等。
  • 提高了内存性能——在查看轮廓和其他结果时,GeoStudio 2018所需的内存消耗得到了改进。特别是,具有多个链式分析的项目文件的性能已得到改进,以更好地利用内存。
  • AutoCAD 2019——GeoStudio 2018现在支持导入由AutoCAD 2018或2019创建的DWG或DXF文件。
  • 字体大小灵活——现在可以为尺寸,轴编号和轴标签使用单独的字体大小。
  • 通量部分图——子域图形被改进以允许通过域绘制横截面,类似于通量部分,可以在其上绘制流动。
  • VADOSE / W文件升级——对将VADOSE / W文件转换为GeoStudio 2018的新多物理格式的升级过程进行了重大改进。
  • 扩展的加载项功能——扩展了加载项功能,以便加载项可以调用项目文件中定义的另一个函数。
  • 破解版安装包
    • Geo-slope GeoStudio is a software solution for engineering geological tasks and soil structure modeling. This package includes 8 products: SLOPE/W -- SLOPE stability analysis; QUAKE/W- seismic dynamic analysis; AIR/W -- flow analysis; SEEP/W -- analysis of groundwater leakage; TEMP/W -- geothermal analysis; VADOSE/W -- aeration area analysis and soil cover analysis; SIGMA/W- stress-strain state analysis; CTRAN/W -- analysis of transport pollution.
    • GeoStudio is a suite of products for geotechnical engineering and geological environment modeling that meets all your modeling needs. This suite includes 8 products: SLOPE/W, which is used for SLOPE stability; SEEP/W for groundwater leakage; SIGMA/W is used for stress deformation; QUAKE/W for dynamic earthquakes; TEMP/W for geothermal; CTRAN/W is used for pollutant transport; AIR/W for AIR flow; Vadose/W is used for seepage areas and mulch.
    • Geo-slope GeoStudio 2018 R2 features new features
    • User-defined reinforcement -- new user-defined reinforcement materials in SLOPE/W provide flexible choices for various structural modeling, including anchor or nail with plate capacity, end-anchor reinforcement and pile reinforcement with spatial variable shear resistance.
    • Analysis tree cloning - extends the analysis cloning function so that the entire branch of the tree can be cloned and analyzed. When cloning a branch, the links between analyses within the branch are retained.
    • Dimension sketching tool - new dimension tool has been added as part of the sketching tool, including alignment, linearity and Angle sizing tools. Dimensions can be locked to geometric objects, such as points or lines, and automatically resized when changes are made to the domain.
      • 安装包
      Additional SLOPE/W graph options -- SLOPE/W has many new graphs added for probability analysis or sliding surface optimization. Average safety factor (FOS), minimum FOS, standard deviation and failure probability can be plotted for the operation number to ensure adequate monte carlo sample size.

    • Sketch tool dialog - a new dialog box for sketch objects allows you to select and modify sketch objects. Sketch properties such as line thickness, length, Angle, color, etc. can be changed in the new sketch object dialog box when drawing or by selecting the object previously drawn.
    • Improved memory performance -- the memory consumption required for GeoStudio 2018 was improved when looking at the contouring and other results. In particular, the performance of project files with multiple chain analyses has been improved to make better use of memory.
    • AutoCAD 2019 -- GeoStudio 2018 now supports importing DWG or DXF files created by AutoCAD 2018 or 2019.
    • Font size flexibility - you can now use separate font sizes for size, axis number, and axis label.
    • Flux partial graph - the subdomain graph has been modified to allow cross-sections to be drawn across domains, similar to the flux portion, on which flows can be drawn.
    • VADOSE/W file upgrade - significant improvements have been made to the upgrade process for converting VADOSE/W files to GeoStudio 2018's new multi-physical format.
    • Extended add-in functionality - extends the add-in functionality so that the add-in can invoke another function defined in the project file.