石油化工软件Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6安装破解教程
Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6
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SP0559 398640033689 百度网盘 1G
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石油化工软件Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6安装破解教程

安装说明:       1,解压文件,打开install文件夹,点击Setup.exe安装软件,默认安装,不要更改路径。       2,选择flex 95选项时,Ctrl+V输入许可服务名:2715@<你的计算机全名> ,如:2715@DNISO-20180525S 计算机全名不要用这个,只是举例,用你自己的,确定即可继续安装。       3,关闭杀毒软件和防火墙,打开Crack文件夹,把里面文件全部复制粘贴到软件安装根目录,如:C:\SimSci里,提示完成即可。       4,以管理员身份运行C:\SimSci里的lmtools.exe,选择Config Services选项,名称设置为:SimSci 依次设置为,lmgrd = C:\SimSci\lmgrd.exe  license = C:\SimSci\ipassi.dat 选择Start/Stop/Reread菜单,点击Start Srver,提示成功即可。       5,打开软件即可完美使用了。        PIPEPHASE 

Instructions: Unrar and install the application. While installing use 'flex 95' option and enter at the same screen license server name: 2715@<yourhostname> Copy \Crack\*.* to the <root_installdir>, (e.g. C:\SimSci) Configure flex server with copied lmtools - choose 'Config Services' tab, enter fields: Path to the lmgrd = C:\SimSci\lmgrd.exe Path to the license = C:\SimSci\ipassi.dat Path to the log = C:\SimSci\ipassi_flex.log choose 'Start/Stop/Reread' tab, press button 'Start Srver'. Or you can use script Start_IPASSI_dat.cmd instead of manually configuring. Difference: if you use the .cmd applet, the program write the log only inside the dos window, otherwise in ipassi_flex.log Start the app using 'simsci' as the login and as the password.
